Thursday, September 26, 2013

Vocabulary #6

1) Death is inevitable and will happen, no matter how bad you try to escape it.

2) I have a huge phobia of sleeping in a silent room, like it's not even funny.

3) When I grow up and become old, saggy, fat, and ugly I will seclude my self from the world, more than I already do.

4) My mom dose not give a single chicken butt who you are or where we're at, If you say something asinine she will rebute the poop at out of you.

5) I dislike Snookie's nasty and notorious past, I think it's very reckless.

6) Weather seems to fluctuate as days go by.

7)  Little kids are so candid about everything it's amazing.

8) I wish I could have a sophomoric and clean permit record all over again like before I became a scary and aggressive thug.


Body 1:
  • Loyal to family Quote: "that must be your excuse, but as for me I will bury the brother I love."
  • Loyal to gods Paraphrase: she wants to pay respect to the gods by burying her brother  by the traditional way that pleases the gods. 

  • Loyal to state Quote: "you will give no support to who ever breaks the law."  2,59
  • Not as loyal to family Paraphrase: Even though polyneices did break the law kind Creon has no exceptions for someone who brakes laws for the public good. 

Body 2:
  • Pride Example Quote: "Creon is not strong enough to stand in my way."  2.36
  • Pride Example Paraphrase: she doesn't care about king Creon law's all she cares about is her family and the god's laws. 

  • Pride Example Quote: "An enemy is an ememy even dead." 
  • Pride Example Paraphrase: He is strong and stands in his place and lets people know that he's in charge.